
How Much Land Can An Excavator Clear?

An excavator is a very useful device for clearing reasonably sized lots. Its best used to clear a lot that is not heavily forested but has just a few trees in the way. The excavator is best when used to dig any sort of hole whether it be for concrete support for your deck or the basement foundation of your brand new house. Either way, the excavator can do almost all of it. While an excavator can remove tree stumps with ease they can also knock things over, allowing you to safely take down an entire tree without having to disassemble it from the top down. It’s very important to keep a close eye on any other structures in the area as a downed tree may fall unpredictably. Make sure there is a wide range of motion it can take without the risk of hitting someone else’s house or garage. That would put a big kink in the project as you will now have to build your house while repairing and rebuilding your neighbours.

Other options are of course digging by shovel which, unless you have a whole crew of people working on it will take an enormous amount of time especially in getting anything out of the ground like stumps or in-ground concrete supports left from an old deck. Digging out a large property like one a house is on, removing all the trees, grass, plants, weeds and detritus is a big process. When buying especially old properties they may be so overgrown you would first need to go in with a machete. The best way to quickly and easily clear an extremely over gown lot is with a bulldozer it can do everything from knocking over trees to digging up the grass and plants whole. It can move a huge amount of dirt at once and can even be used to completely flatten and grade the entire property. While it can not do is steep hills, however, the excavator definitely can. If you need to clear a very messy lot then renting a bulldozer can sometimes be much more expensive than hiring a team who rents them regularly. Companies often get large discounts because they rent out tools and machines on a daily or weekly basis and are skilled in doing large and difficult jobs. If you want to rent one yourself that is fine just make sure you get its full worth, use it for everything you can and then the rest with shovels or an excavator.